Believe it or not prizes continue to be sent out after the 2013 Summer Sailstice. Summer sailing always seems to slow the process and an active summer of America's Cup racing on our homeport of San Franciso Bay didn't help but even now, with the America's Cup drama continuing to unfold, we're sending more prizes out the door. And what better prizes to be sending now than more AC goodies.
Becky Hays sailed on a rainy Lake Superior for Summer Sailstice but wisely signed up and is taking home an America's Cup fleece and some AC chocolates from Bridge Brand chocolates. When we asked Becky to send her address for the prize she also replied: 'My sail test was a bit rainy on Lake Superior. No pics but an adventure! Thank you for your promotion of sailing.' We always promise sunny sailing* for Summer Sailstice (*somewhere) and, if you don't have sun, you often have an adventure. And let's face it, stories that start 'It was a dark and stormy night and...' are often a lot more compelling than 'It was another sunny day and...'.
We do hope Summer Sailstice can help promote sailING, i.e. the ING not the THING. We do love to sail and to us it's more about the activity than the object(the boat). There are loads of beautiful boats out there and infinitessimal fantastic ways to sail. By all of us all doing it together, Becky on Lake Superior and all the rest of us scattered across the planet, we can all bring some attention to one of life's great pleasures: sailing.
And, on occasion, you'll be lucky enough to win a Summer Sailstice prize! Thanks for joining us Becky and see you next year on Saturday, June 21st.
We know sailing Lake Superior has its beautiful moments such as this shot from Sail Magazine.