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Connect to Sailing

Find a ride even if you don't have a sailboat!  LIsted below are thousands of access points to getting out sailing on Summer Sailstice or any time of the year.

Connect with the GoSailing App from ASA.

Go Sailing App

Local Crew Lists -

Use these local crew lists to help you find crew or join a crew sailing for Summer Sailstice:

More Public Access Sailing Opportunities:

Want to find another way onto the water?  How about a commercial sailing school or a community sailing program.  Here are more sites that can likely find one in your area:

US Sailing

Start Sailing


AirBNB for Boats:

Check out these sites to connect you directly with sailboats.  Often an inexpensive way to cost-share a boat for a day or all of Summer Sailstice weekend:


US Sailing

  • US Sailing - a convenient 'Where to Sail' tool to find access to sailing near you.
    US Sailing has lots of sailing resources for sailing schools, community programs and junior sailing programs.



  • MeetUp Groups - there are 467 MeetUps in 28 countries.  Join them!



  • Tall Ships America lists tradtional sailing vessels across North America.
  • RegattaDates offers Crew Listing for individual events only some of which fall on Summer Sailstice! 

Many people are willing to take loads of people sailing.  Check out all the opportunities above.