Diamond Island Yacht Club in Charlotte Vermont is the winner of our pre-Sailstice WRI forecasting prize pack. Here's what's included:
1. Forecasts throughout the event and an outlook provided before the event.
2. Forecast maps included with the forecasts.
3. SeaWeather.net account for the event for organizers
4. SeaWeather.net trials for participants
WRI is also giving away 5 forecasting prizes to participating Sailstice participants to be used up to a year after. Make sure you register for Summer Sailstice 2021 for your chance to win!

So how is Diamond Island celebrating Sailstice? Diamond Island Cruise Out Week! If you are in the Lake Champlain area, be sure to check it out.
Cruise week consists of visiting several anchorages, harbors, and marinas throughout the week. We travel to the next destination as individuals and spend the mornings, afternoons, and evenings as a group. Diamond Island Cruise Week welcomes all sail and powerboats wishing to come along and make some new friends or spend time with old ones. Join the fun as we explore Lake Champlain as a group of mariners who love being on the water. The destinations have yet to be determined by the Cruise Committee. Stand by for updates or check out our website https://rsyc.org/ for the latest updates. You don’t have to be a member but it’s to participate but it really helps our club! It’s the best $80 you’ll ever spend!!
Don't miss on the Sailstice fun, prizes and more, sign up today!
If you're part of a sailing club, fleet, or association, and you sign up for Summer Sailstice, you could win a Weather Routing Forecast package from WRI to use during your event. The raffle will take place on May 15th, so entries must be received by May 14th to be eligible.