Five intrepid sailors from Crescent YC in Chaumont, NY traveled to Brooklin, Maine to sail in the first ever Shellback Nationals on June 20.
Bert Bowers writes:
"Two years ago members of CYC built fifteen Shellback dinghies to a design developed by the late Joel White of Brooklin Boat Yard. We began a correspondence with Joel's son, Steve White who presently runs Brooklin Boat Yard. Last fall, our Commodore, Peter Hrabchak, visited Brooklin and proposed to Steve that we have a race between members of our group and sailors from the Brooklin area where a number of Shellbacks have been built. Steve arranged for a race committee, trophies (Kathy Bray's painting of a Shellback), and a great awards dinner at the Brooklin Inn afterwards.
We had a total of fourteen Shellbacks racing on Eggemoggin Reach on Saturday and in spite of fog, drizzle, light winds and temperatures in the fifties, we completed eight races. Chris Johnston of CYC was the overall winner of the regatta, but we all had a great time. Our boats were easily picked out from the fleet as we all have red sails made by Somerset Sails of Barker, NY."
Check back for more pictures from the event.