Summer Sailstice is all about bringing sailing to the world, and that's what inspires ASA too. Summer Sailstice and ASA are all about outreach, and together they are inspiring new and experienced sailors across the globe!
One of the big reasons the American Sailing Association endorses the Summer Sailstice event so emphatically is that it gives people a reason to sail and calls people out saying, “get up, get out, let’s go sailing!” It’s outreach, and the American Sailing Association is about outreach at every turn. In addition to being the engine that runs GO SAILING (a mobile app that connects skippers and crew) the ASA supports quite a bit of outreach through the membership base.
For decades there’s been a core block of sailors who, as ASA members, support important legislation that is relevant to sailors, maintain education standards at the highest level and keep fellow sailors abreast of environmental issues that affect our oceans and waterways.
In a nutshell, the dollars raised through memberships directly support ASA’s ability to enhance sailors’ experience on the water and thereby grow the sport of sailing. The Summer Sailstice event, GO SAILING mobile app, ASA memberships; all of these things bring more people towards the rewarding experience and all out joy that is recreational sailing.
For more information regarding ASA memberships please check out asa.com/membership