Entries accepted between June 21, 2024 and July 01, 2024.

You came, you went, you sailed! And a picture is worth a thousand words - tell us how the Summer Sailstice went by participating in this years photo contest to make 2024 Sailstice a holiday to remember!
To Enter:
1. Register for Summer Sailstice 2024.
2. Add your sailing plans or join an event.
3. Go Sailing, take photos. Lots and lots of photos!!!
4. After your Sailstice sailing is complete, pick your favorite 3 and submit them here on this page. A blue submit button will appear once the contest opens on June 21st.
5. After Sailstice weekend we will upload all the submitted photos to the Facebook album: Summer Sailstice 2024 Photo Contest (starting Monday, July 15th).
6. Go to cast your vote by clicking ‘Like’ on the photo you would like to vote for. Encourage your friends, family, and fleet to do the same!
>Photos Must be taken between June 21st & June 23rd, 2024.
>Entries will be accepted between June 21st & June 30th, 2024 at midnight (PT).
>Voting will open on Mon., July 15 and continue for four days, ending at Noon pm on Friday, July 19th (PT).
>All photos will be uploaded to the Summer Sailstice Facebook page in the album:
Summer Sailstice 2024 Photo Contest
Also, check out our Summer Sailstice 2023 Photo Contest Submissions.
The photo with the most 'Likes' at Noon pm on July 19th will be deemed the winner.
If you have any questions or your photo does not appear in the Facebook Album, please email us at heidi@summersailstice.com
Just a couple details...
- - Due to the large number of photos we receive we can only accept up to 3 photos per person.
- - Please ensure your images are web-friendly. We will accept jpg, jpeg, png, photos less than 1 MB. If you have problems posting your photo let us know and we'll do our best to help you.
- - Digitally enhanced photos are not eligible to win
- - Judges reserve the right to make the final decisions regarding winners and awarded prizes.
- - Please include a quick summary of your celebration - we want to hear all the details!!!