6400 South Promontory Drive
Chicago, IL 60430
United States
In Chicago we wait all winter for the Summer Sailstice. Sailors show us your photos and videos of your sailing experience on the weekend of the Sailstice June 24th.
Go Sailing, take photos and videos. Lots and lots of photos and videos!!!
After your Sailstice sailing is complete, pick your favorite 3 and submit them to entertainment.committee@jacksonparkyacht.org.
We are hosting an after sail popcorn party at 4:30 prior to the 6:30 PM live jazz featuring the Smooth Willie Kurtz Band. To register for the music and/or dinner: https://jacksonparkyachtclub27.wildapricot.org/event-5305617/Registration
Free docking for non residents.
After Sailstice weekend we will upload all the submitted photos to the Facebook album: Summer Sailstice 2023 Photo Contest (starting Monday, June 27th)
Go to cast your vote by clicking ‘Like’ on the photo you would like to vote for. Encourage your friends, family, and fleet to do the same!
>Photos Must be taken between June 19th & June 30th, 2023.
>Entries will be accepted between June 19th & June 30th, 2023 at midnight (PT).
>Voting will continue for three weeks and ends at 5 pm on Monday, July 25th (PT).
>All photos will be uploaded to the Summer Sailstice Facebook page in the album: Summer Sailstice 2023 Photo Contest
The photo with the most 'Likes' at 5 pm on July 25th will be deemed the winner.