Summer Sailstice 2024
Event Type
06/22/2024 08:00 AM
O'Malley's Cabin on the Lake
7938 County Road 153
Interlaken, NY 14847
United States
The Sheldrake Cup Regatta will depart from the Ithaca Yacht Club to off of Sheldrake Point using a Bermuda start with the highest PHRF boat leaving at 8AM.
After the race we will raft up off of O'Malley's Cabin on the Lake and lunch therein I imagine. During the race and sail back to O'Malley's other boats will sail up from the Ithaca area to O'Malley's and meet up with the racing sailors and others for good times and fun. Rallyers not racing should check the weather and plan on meeting up with racers at noonish.
Please register for racing ahead of time (before Saturday) with CLCFcrew@gmail.com.
We will communication on VHF 80a.