260 Northpoint Court
Redwood City, CA 94063
United States
The Westpoint Regatta is an annual Yacht Racing Association of the San Francisco Bay (YRA) sanctioned destination regatta, hosted by The Club at Westpoint, Sequoia Yacht Club and Treasure Island Yacht Club.
This year the race will be held on Summer Sailstice, June 22nd.
The regatta starts east of Treasure Island, heads up towards Harding Rock for a round-to-port and then races downwind to the South Bay, ending south of the San Mateo Bridge. The weekend events include a kick-off party on Friday, June 21 at Treasure Island Yacht Club, the regatta on Saturday morning usually starting around 10:30 am, followed by the Island Times award ceremony at The Club at Westpoint on Saturday evening.
More information and regatta sign up can be found here: http://yra.org/westpoint-regatta/