Summer Sailstice 2024
I Will Participate
Personal Plan Title
Strolling the Docks, Talking Shop with Ole Salts, Hearing the Tall Tales
Details of your Plan
The annual Master Mariner's wooden boat show at the Corinthian Yacht Club in Tiburon, California, welcomes guests of all ages to spend an afternoon aside the San Francisco Bay. Tour a variety of the region's old wooden boats from a sunny, wind-sheltered marina at this historic venue on Sunday, June 23.
$20 admission fee helps keep these beauties on the bay for all to enjoy. Food, drink, music, activities for the kids (in the morning). Children 12 and under free.
Sunday, June 23
10am - 4pm
Corinthian Yacht Club
Tiburon, CA
$10 tickets at gate
$20 admission fee helps keep these beauties on the bay for all to enjoy. Food, drink, music, activities for the kids (in the morning). Children 12 and under free.
Sunday, June 23
10am - 4pm
Corinthian Yacht Club
Tiburon, CA
$10 tickets at gate
Participation Type
Personal Plan
Personal Plan Destination
Boat Used
30+ MMBA wooden boats