Weather Routing Inc., is supporting Summer Sailstice and sailing with a prize donation of weather forecasts, weather maps, free trials, and user accounts. Sign up ASAP and add your sailing plan or event now to be in the running for a Weather Routing Forecast Package for your club's Summer Sailstice event, or a Weather Routing Forecast Package for your own use at any time after the June celebration.
Deadline: May 27th 2024
If you're part of a sailing club, fleet, or association, and you sign up for Summer Sailstice, you could win a Weather Routing Forecast package from WRI to use during your event. The raffle will take place on May 28th 2024, so entries must be received by May 27th to be eligible.
Here's what's included :
1. Forecasts throughout the event and an outlook provided before the event.
2. Forecast maps included with the forecasts.
3. SeaWeather.net account for the event for organizers
4. SeaWeather.net trials for participants
2. INDIVIDUAL PRIZES ($215 each)
If you're signing up to sail with family and friends, or even going out single-handed, Weather Routing Inc., is giving 5 sailors the chance to win an individual forecasting package, to use at up to a year after the Sailstice (cannot be used for a Sailstice event). This package is good for a complimentary written or verbal forecast, and a month of SeaWeather.net access. Winners must not already have an account with WRI.