As sailing participation grows in new parts of the world Summer Sailstice aims to invite them all to join in celebrating life under sail. The American Sailing Association now has school affiliates all over the world helping provide instruction and access to sailing. One of their affiliates in China recently came aboard and, for me, reading their notice below reminded me of early sailing lessons - an incomprehensible foreign language! It's great to have the American Sailing Association and their affiliates in China and everywhere joining in a celebration of sailing.
夏至日,帆享日 2016 Summer Sailstice
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ASA (American Sailing Association) 将赞助全球性航海活动 “Summer Sailstice”,促进全民航海的发展,增加ASA学校曝光度
LOS ANGELES - June 3, 2016 - The AmericanSailing Association (ASA), America's sail education authority, joins"Summer Sailstice" as a Gold Level sponsor this year. SummerSailstice is an annual event that has grown from 200 boats to over 5,000 boatsacross the globe over the past 15 years. Held each year over the Saturday andSunday closest to the summer solstice, the June 18 - 19, 2016 event will unitethousands of sailors worldwide with a schedule of local events that encouragesthe community to join in on the fun and celebrate sailing.
ASA是美国帆船教育的权威机构,作为金牌赞助机构全面参与2016年的全球性航海庆祝活动“Summer Sailstice”,该活动每年举办一次,从最初的只有200艘船参加的区域活动,逐渐发展成全球5000多艘船参加的国际活动。Summer Sailstice每年在距夏至日最近的周末举办,旨在庆祝航海运动。2016年的活动与6月18-19日举办,将吸引世界各地成千上万名水手参与,各个联合举办地也将有一系列精彩活动上演。