Summer Sailstice is not only an inspiration to #RaiseYourSails, but also a great excuse to take your boat to explore new horizons. Chuck and Suki Spillner know exactly what we mean!
For their Sailstice celebration they were keen to visit an anchorage that they haven’t been to before. Suki said they had an awesome sail across the Southern Strait of Georgia and Rosario Strait to the tiny sliver that is Clark Island, a Washington Marine State Park. On the way there, they were escorted by a small pod of Orcas! The commercial whale watch boats were between them, so they could not get close enough to get a photo - we will just have to take their word for it. Their new anchor held fast overnight in 20 knots of wind that did not appear in any forecast, oh the joys of sailing! Once at their destination, they hiked the ridge trail and searched for agates along the beaches on both sides of the island, then had a small campfire. AyeTides said they had over 16 hours of sun!
Sounds like a great celebration to us; we can't wait to see what they do next year.